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Showing posts from October, 2018

Insurance Terms – Explained

We have all been there, trying to get insurance for your car, house or vacation and the agent throws some insurance terms your way that you really are not sure what all of them mean.  Take a look at this list for quick and simple explanations to remedy any uncertainty in the future. Insurance Terms: Adjuster An adjuster works for the insurance company and helps determine the extent of your loss or damage when you submit a claim. Claim The notification you submit to your insurance company when you experience a loss or damages to your property. Coverage This refers to the protection provided by your insurance policy. Deductible When you have a claim, the deductible is the amount that you pay out first, then your insurer covers the remaining cost. Deduction for depreciation This refers to the loss of the original value of an item due to age, wear and tear or because it’s obsolete. Depreciation A lowering in value over time, usually due to wear and tear. Ef